Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Stealing: The Back 15 Meme

Today we ripped off a blogger named The Ruminator from the blog Random Ruminations. It is 30 questions, But we are only posting the back half. She says she got it from Manasa. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Take the time to comment on other player's posts. It's a great way to make new friends! Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: The Back 15 Meme 

15) How do you vent out your anger? I don't usually vent. But when I cannot take it anymore, I just cry.

16) Favourite toy as a child? Toy piano

17) Favourite season?
Since, I live in the Philippines (where we only have summer and rainy seasons), I would choose the days with overcast skies, no rainfall and really gloomy.

18) Do you ever get letters delivered by the post office? Yes. Although recently, I have yet to receive letters from the post office. I have been waiting for my Social Security Services ID card  to arrive for some time now.

19) When was the last time you laughed hard? Last Christmas 2012, with my niece and nephews.

20) What is on the floor of your closet? Some old jackets

21) Are you any good at drawing?
I can sketch but I cannot really draw that good. Is there any difference between sketching and drawing? :)

22) What did you do last night? Not much, really. Had to sleep early last night because of a toothache.

23) What are you most afraid of?
I'm afraid of being alone.

24) Plain,cheese or spicy hamburger?
Hamburger that is either plain or with cheese, depends on my mood really.

25) Favourite dog breed? I don't have any pets.

26) Favorite day of the week?
Weekends! This is really self-explanatory.

27) How many states / provinces / countries have you lived in? I have lived in the Philippines, all my life. Was born in Manila and I've been spending most of my growing up and working years here in Naga City, province of Camarines Sur.

28) Diamond or pearl? Diamond is a girl's best friend.

29) What is your wish for this new year?
The proverbial world peace. Good health for me, my family, loved ones and friends. And a long and lasting love, as the song goes.

30) New year resolutions.
To have a lovelife! To be more health conscious. Strive to be happier in the midst of really simple things. To lose weight. To earn more money and to be able to save more.


Mr said...

Your post office sounds a lot like mine here in Canada, it sometimes can take a long time for things to arrive, Sometimes this show up two months after they are dated!

Have a great week!

katie eggeman said...

When I lived in Key West Fla we had 2 seasons too. Wet season and Hot season. Both with bugs.

ZJ said...

Hi Sam. Sorry I couldn't post these days. I feel so lethargic and the cramps just won't go away. But I feel a whole lot better now so I'm going to resume blogging again.

Thank you for all your posts!
