So, it’s a (virtual) date! I’ll be online, so, buzz me.
This is just one of the reasons why Internet is important to me – it bridges the distance! We can talk (chat) and see each other (webcam). I can see what you are eating, what you’re wearing, and most of all, the twinkle in your eyes when you smile or get excited, or the wrinkles on your forehead when you frown, as if we’re only few feet apart. Now all I need is to remind Rob once again to get a microphone so that we could really chika-chika.
Say hi to Mom for me. I could use some help over here .. My clutter is unbelievable. I have so much stuffs that I find difficult to part with. Even a ripped page from a notebook, a torn diary, or a broken key chain that I bought from one of my travels some years ago – they are still with me up to now. Rob says I’m like his father. To appease his mum, his dad built a shed of sorts so that all his stuffs that he accumulated for years. Well, the best I could do for now is just put them all in boxes and store them upstairs in our laundry room. That will have to do for the meantime,I think, until such time comes when we have to leave and I have no other choice but to give my stuffs away, or else, go bankrupt because of expensive fees of moving companies.
Oh well, gotta run now. I have some cooking and other stuffs to do that I want to finish before the match begins.
See yah!