Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hi Zarah

Every summer when Tiger Lilly is in bloom,
Can't help but smile and remember that day
When you came back from Davao with a pasalubong for me
Something green, alive and needs TLC.
So I named your gift Tiger Lilly.
Kasi sabi mo, "Orchid yan, Sam".
That was in the late 1990s.
Yet the blooms never came until 2004!
The seven years of summer-in-between?
Sunshiny days with a hint of rain.
Butterflies came.
Long days. Short nights. Waiting.
And today, BFF Zarah -
These blooms are for you.
Bad weather or bed weather
We will be BestFriendsForever!

sam ini


Four-eyed-missy said...

Beautiful, Sam!
So you believe now that you have a green thumb?
